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Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 17-20, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528819


SUMMARY: Variations in the triceps brachii muscle are uncommon, and especially limited reports exist on the accessory heads of tendinous origin that attach near the upper medial part of the humerus. During anatomical training at Nagasaki University School of Medicine, the accessory head of the triceps brachii muscle was observed on the right upper arm of a 72-year-old Japanese female. It arose tendinously from the medial side of the upper humerus, then formed a muscle belly and joined the distal side of the long head. This accessory head had independent nerve innervation, and the innervating nerve branched from a bundle of the radial nerve, which divided the nerve innervating the long head and the posterior brachial cutaneous nerve. The origin of the innervation of the accessory head was the basis for determining that this muscle head was an accessory muscle to the long head of the triceps brachii muscle. Embryologically, we discuss that part of the origin of the long head of the triceps brachii muscle was separated early in development by the axillary nerve and the posterior brachial circumflex artery, and it slipped into the surgical neck of the humerus and became fixed there. The accessory head crossed the radial nerve and deep brachial artery. When clinicians encounter compression of the radial nerve or profunda brachii artery, they should consider the presence of accessory muscles as a possible cause.

Las variaciones en el músculo tríceps braquial son poco comunes y existen informes especialmente limitados sobre las cabezas accesorias de origen tendinoso que se insertan cerca de la parte medial superior del húmero. Durante un entrenamiento anatómico en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nagasaki, se observó la cabeza accesoria del músculo tríceps braquial en la parte superior del brazo derecho de una mujer japonesa de 72 años. Se originaba tendinosamente desde el lado medial de la parte superior del húmero, luego formaba un vientre muscular y se unía al lado distal de la cabeza larga. Esta cabeza accesoria tenía inervación nerviosa independiente, cuyo nervio se ramificaba a partir de un ramo del nervio radial, que dividía el nervio que inervaba la cabeza larga y el nervio cutáneo braquial posterior. El origen de la inervación de la cabeza accesoria fue la base para determinar que esta cabeza muscular era un músculo accesorio de la cabeza larga del músculo tríceps braquial. Embriológicamente, discutimos que parte del origen de la cabeza larga del músculo tríceps braquial se separó temprananamente en el desarrollo por el nervio axilar y la arteria circunfleja braquial posterior, y se deslizó hacia el cuello quirúrgico del húmero y quedó fijado allí. La cabeza accesoria cruzaba el nervio radial y la arteria braquial profunda. Cuando los médicos encuentran compresión del nervio radial o de la arteria braquial profunda, deben considerar la presencia de mús- culos accesorios como una posible causa.

Humans , Female , Aged , Muscle, Skeletal/anatomy & histology , Muscle, Skeletal/abnormalities , Anatomic Variation , Radial Nerve , Cadaver
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e254011, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355886


Abstract Livestock is a fundamental part of the agriculture industry in Pakistan and contributes more than 11.53% to GDP. Among livestock species, the buffaloes are regarded as the black gold of Pakistan. Being the highest milk producers globally, Nili-Ravi buffaloes are the most famous ones. Buffaloes are affected by many endemic diseases, and "Hemorrhagic septicemia" (HS) is one of them. This study was designed to ascertain the effects of experimental exposure ofP. multocida B:2 (oral) and its immunogens, i.e., LPS (oral and intravenous) and OMP (oral and subcutaneous) on reproductive hormonal profiles in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Repeated serum samples were collected from the jugular vein of experimental animals for 21 days (0, 02, 04, 08, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, 72, 120, 168, 216, 264, 360, 456 and 504 hours). Hormonal assays to determine the serum concentrations of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), Estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4) were performed using (MyBioSource) commercial Elisa kits. The hormonal profile of all treatment groups of the buffalo heifers exhibited significant (P<0.05) variations as compared to the control group (G-1). These results indicate suppression in Nili-Ravi buffaloes' reproductive hormonal profile on exposure to P. multocida B:2 and its immunogens. This influence warrants that exposure to H.S may be a possible reason for delayed puberty and poor reproduction performance in Nili-Ravi buffaloes.

Resumo A pecuária é uma parte fundamental da indústria agrícola no Paquistão e contribui com 11,53% do PIB nacional. Entre as espécies de gado, os búfalos são considerados o ouro negro do Paquistão. Sendo os maiores produtores de leite em todo o mundo, os búfalos Nili-Ravi são os mais famosos. Os búfalos são afetados por muitas doenças endêmicas, entre as quais a "septicemia hemorrágica" (SH). Este estudo busca verificar os efeitos da exposição experimental de P. multocida B:2 (oral) e seus imunógenos, ou seja, LPS (oral e intravenoso) e OMP (oral e subcutâneo), nos perfis hormonais reprodutivos em búfalos Nili-Ravi. Amostras de soro repetidas foram coletadas da veia jugular de animais experimentais por 21 dias (0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, 72, 120, 168, 216, 264, 360, 456 e 504 horas). Os ensaios hormonais para determinar as concentrações séricas do hormônio liberador de gonadotrofina (GnRH), hormônio foliculoestimulante (FSH), hormônio luteinizante (LH), estrogênio (E2) e progesterona (P4) foram realizados usando kits comerciais Elisa (MyBioSource). O perfil hormonal de todos os grupos de tratamento das novilhas bubalinas apresentou variações significativas (P < 0,05) em relação ao grupo controle (G-1). Esses resultados indicam supressão no perfil hormonal reprodutivo de búfalos Nili-Ravi na exposição a P. multocida B:2 e seus imunógenos. Essa influência garante que a exposição à SH possa ser uma possível razão para o atraso da puberdade e o baixo desempenho reprodutivo em búfalos Nili-Ravi.

Animals , Female , Pasteurella Infections/veterinary , Reproduction , Gonadal Steroid Hormones/blood , Buffaloes , Progesterone , Cattle , Lipopolysaccharides , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone , Pasteurella multocida
J. vasc. bras ; 23: e20230085, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534796


Resumo O maior ramo da divisão terminal da artéria braquial é a artéria ulnar, que se origina após a fossa cubital. Essa artéria usualmente tem trajeto profundo aos músculos do antebraço anterior e é responsável pela vascularização da musculatura superficial e profunda da região ulnar do antebraço e hipotênar da mão, sendo a principal responsável pela formação do arco palmar superficial após o retináculo dos flexores. Reportamos uma variação anatômica após diagnóstico com ultrassom vascular na qual a artéria ulnar situava-se em posição superficial no antebraço. A ocorrência da artéria ulnar superficial é rara, porém de grande importância para clínicos, cirurgiões e profissionais de enfermagem.

Abstract The largest branch of the terminal division of the brachial artery is the ulnar artery, which arises after the cubital fossa. This artery usually has a deep path in the muscles of the anterior forearm and is responsible for vascularization of the superficial and deep musculature on the ulnar side of the forearm and hypothenar area of the hand. We report an anatomical variant diagnosed by Doppler ultrasound in which the ulnar artery had a superficial position in the forearm. Occurrence of a superficial ulnar artery is rare, but it is an important fact for clinicians, surgeons, and nursing professionals.

J. vasc. bras ; 23: e20230120, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534797


Abstract Knowledge of the anatomical variations of the visceral branches of the abdominal aorta is important information for planning any surgeries in the region. We present here a rare constellation of variations of visceral vessels around the kidneys with a brief review of the recent literature. On the right side, an accessory renal artery was observed originating just distal to the main renal artery. The middle suprarenal artery was absent on the right side and there were two inferior suprarenal arteries originating from a branch of the main right renal artery. On the left side, the testicular artery had an arched course anterior to the left renal vein mimicking an unusual variety of nutcracker phenomenon. The right kidney was drained by two renal veins into the inferior vena cava. Knowledge of the coexistence of such complex anatomical variations might be helpful for clinicians during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Resumo O conhecimento das variações anatômicas dos ramos viscerais da aorta abdominal é uma informação importante para o planejamento de qualquer cirurgia nessa região. Neste relato, apresentamos um raro conjunto de variações de vasos viscerais ao redor dos rins, bem como uma breve revisão da literatura recente. No lado direito, foi observada uma artéria renal acessória originando-se distal à artéria renal principal. Não havia artéria suprarrenal média no lado direito, e havia duas artérias suprarrenais inferiores originando-se de um ramo da artéria renal direita. No lado esquerdo, a artéria testicular apresentava um curso arqueado anterior à veia renal esquerda, simulando uma variedade incomum do fenômeno do quebra-nozes. O rim direito era drenado por duas veias renais para a veia cava inferior. O conhecimento da coexistência de tais variações anatômicas complexas pode ser útil para os clínicos durante os procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos.

J. vasc. bras ; 23: e20230044, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550519


Abstract We present two cases of multiple anatomical variations of the renal and gonadal vessels. The first case presented duplication of the renal vein and the presence of an accessory renal artery. However, the most interesting fact, in this case, was that the right gonadal vein emptied into the inferior right renal vein instead of ending in the inferior vena cava as would typically be the case. In the second case, we also found an accessory renal artery and the right gonadal vein emptied at the exact junction between the right renal vein and the inferior vena cava. Clinicians and surgeons should be familiar with anatomical variations to provide an accurate diagnosis during preoperative studies and to avoid surprises in abdominal surgical procedures.

Resumo Este estudo apresenta dois casos de variação anatômica múltipla de vasos renais e gonadais. O primeiro caso apresentou uma duplicação da veia renal e a presença de uma artéria renal acessória. Porém, o fato mais interessante nesse caso foi a veia gonadal direita desembocar na veia renal direita inferior em vez de terminar na veia cava inferior, como seria o normal. No segundo caso, além de também encontrarmos uma artéria renal acessória, a veia gonadal direita desembocava no exato ponto de junção entre a veia renal direita e a veia cava inferior. Clínicos e cirurgiões devem estar familiarizados com a presença de possíveis variações dos vasos renais e gonadais, sendo um conhecimento imprescindível para obter um diagnóstico mais preciso e para evitar surpresas em procedimentos cirúrgicos abdominais.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469313


Abstract Livestock is a fundamental part of the agriculture industry in Pakistan and contributes more than 11.53% to GDP. Among livestock species, the buffaloes are regarded as the black gold of Pakistan. Being the highest milk producers globally, Nili-Ravi buffaloes are the most famous ones. Buffaloes are affected by many endemic diseases, and "Hemorrhagic septicemia" (HS) is one of them. This study was designed to ascertain the effects of experimental exposure ofP. multocida B:2 (oral) and its immunogens, i.e., LPS (oral and intravenous) and OMP (oral and subcutaneous) on reproductive hormonal profiles in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Repeated serum samples were collected from the jugular vein of experimental animals for 21 days (0, 02, 04, 08, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, 72, 120, 168, 216, 264, 360, 456 and 504 hours). Hormonal assays to determine the serum concentrations of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), Estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4) were performed using (MyBioSource) commercial Elisa kits. The hormonal profile of all treatment groups of the buffalo heifers exhibited significant (P 0.05) variations as compared to the control group (G-1). These results indicate suppression in Nili-Ravi buffaloes' reproductive hormonal profile on exposure to P. multocida B:2 and its immunogens. This influence warrants that exposure to H.S may be a possible reason for delayed puberty and poor reproduction performance in Nili-Ravi buffaloes.

Resumo A pecuária é uma parte fundamental da indústria agrícola no Paquistão e contribui com 11,53% do PIB nacional. Entre as espécies de gado, os búfalos são considerados o ouro negro do Paquistão. Sendo os maiores produtores de leite em todo o mundo, os búfalos Nili-Ravi são os mais famosos. Os búfalos são afetados por muitas doenças endêmicas, entre as quais a septicemia hemorrágica (SH). Este estudo busca verificar os efeitos da exposição experimental de P. multocida B:2 (oral) e seus imunógenos, ou seja, LPS (oral e intravenoso) e OMP (oral e subcutâneo), nos perfis hormonais reprodutivos em búfalos Nili-Ravi. Amostras de soro repetidas foram coletadas da veia jugular de animais experimentais por 21 dias (0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, 72, 120, 168, 216, 264, 360, 456 e 504 horas). Os ensaios hormonais para determinar as concentrações séricas do hormônio liberador de gonadotrofina (GnRH), hormônio foliculoestimulante (FSH), hormônio luteinizante (LH), estrogênio (E2) e progesterona (P4) foram realizados usando kits comerciais Elisa (MyBioSource). O perfil hormonal de todos os grupos de tratamento das novilhas bubalinas apresentou variações significativas (P 0,05) em relação ao grupo controle (G-1). Esses resultados indicam supressão no perfil hormonal reprodutivo de búfalos Nili-Ravi na exposição a P. multocida B:2 e seus imunógenos. Essa influência garante que a exposição à SH possa ser uma possível razão para o atraso da puberdade e o baixo desempenho reprodutivo em búfalos Nili-Ravi.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514967


Introduction: The type of land use surrounding the remnants of tropical forest may generate changes in the characteristics of plant populations and communities. Consequently, there may be a significant reduction in processes of pollination and diasporas dispersion. Therefore, causing changes in some parameters of seed rain. Objective: To characterize and compare seed density, species richness, floristic composition, habit, dispersal syndrome, and successional category of seed rain between urban and rural fragments of Atlantic Forest, in the 2015 and 2016 weather seasons. Methods: The study areas were defined after mapping and quantification of urban and rural occupations around the remnants, based on satellite images. In each fragment, were installed 36 collectors of 0.25 m2. The material was collected monthly during two consecutive years. Results: Seed rain richness was higher in the urban fragment during the rainy season in the two years, whereas it was similar between the fragments in the dry season. The seed density in the rural fragment was higher than in the urban during the rainy season; did not vary in urban between years or between seasons; and it was higher in the rural fragment in the rainy season of one year. There was a difference in the floristic composition of the seed rain between the fragments along time. The variations in the functional attributes of habit, dispersal syndrome, and successional category, were explained by the variables fragment, season, and year. Conclusions: Differences in the characteristics of the seed rain between the fragments might reflect the spatial and temporal heterogeneity, due to the diverse uses of the soil and external pressures (anthropogenic actions) present in the surroundings of the forest fragments and temporal variation in precipitation.

Introducción: El tipo de uso del suelo que rodea los remanentes de bosque tropical puede generar cambios en las características de las poblaciones y comunidades vegetales. En consecuencia, puede haber una reducción significativa en los procesos de polinización y dispersión de las diásporas. Por lo tanto, provocando cambios en algunos parámetros de la lluvia de semillas. Objetivo: Caracterizar y comparar la densidad de semillas, la riqueza de especies, la composición florística, el hábito, el síndrome de dispersión y la categoría sucesional de la lluvia de semillas entre fragmentos urbanos y rurales de Mata Atlántica, en las estaciones climáticas del 2015 y 2016. Métodos: Las áreas de estudio se definieron luego del mapeo y cuantificación de las ocupaciones urbanas y rurales alrededor de los remanentes, con base en imágenes satelitales. En cada fragmento se instalaron 36 colectores de 0.25 m2. El material fue recolectado mensualmente durante dos años consecutivos. Resultados: La riqueza de lluvia de semillas fue mayor en el fragmento urbano durante la estación lluviosa en los dos años, mientras que fue similar entre los fragmentos en la estación seca. La densidad de semillas en el fragmento rural fue mayor que en el urbano durante la estación lluviosa; no varió en urbano entre años o entre estaciones; y fue mayor en el fragmento rural en la estación lluviosa del primer año. Hubo una diferencia en la composición florística de la lluvia de semillas entre los fragmentos a lo largo del tiempo. Las variaciones en los atributos funcionales de hábito, síndrome de dispersión y categoría sucesional, fueron explicadas por las variables fragmento, estación y año. Conclusiones: Las diferencias en las características de la lluvia de semillas entre los fragmentos podrían reflejar la heterogeneidad espacial y temporal, debido a los diversos usos del suelo y presiones externas (acciones antropogénicas) presentes en el entorno de los fragmentos de bosque y variación temporal de la precipitación.

Seasons , Seed Dispersal/physiology , Rainforest , Brazil
Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1833-1836, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528784


SUMMARY: The os intermetatarseum is an accessory bone located in the foot, usually between the first 2 metatarsals and the cuneiform bone. It can be presented as free, articulated or in a fused fashion. It is a very unusual variation found in less than 13 % of the population. A 27-year-old patient presented to the emergency service due to an ankle lesion. Physical exam showed pain and limited range of motion while supporting partial load. Radiographic imaging showed a bony trace near the base of the first and second metatarsals, diagnosed as the os intermetatarseum. Formation of this supernumerary bone begins as a separate ossification center. Most cases are asymptomatic; however, compression of the deep peroneal nerve branches by the os intermetatarseum can lead to pain. Some authors suggest that the presence of this bone may cause hallux valgus. The intermetatarseum can lead to diagnostic confusion, mainly related to Lisfranc fracture. Its origin is still little understood.

El os intermetatarseum es un hueso accesorio ubicado en el pie, generalmente entre los 2 primeros metatarsianos y el hueso cuneiforme. Puede presentarse de forma libre, articulada o fusionada. Es una variación muy inusual que se encuentra en menos del 13 % de la población. Paciente de 27 años que acude a urgencias por lesión en tobillo. El examen físico mostró dolor y rango de movimiento limitado mientras soportaba una carga parcial. Las imágenes radiológicas mostraron un rastro óseo cerca de la base del primer y segundo metatarsianos, diagnosticado como os intermetatarseum. La formación de este hueso supernumerario comienza como un centro de osificación separado. La mayoría de los casos son asintomáticos; sin embargo, la compresión de las ramas profundas del nervio fibular en el espacio intermetatarsiano puede provocar dolor. Algunos autores sugieren que la presencia de este hueso puede provocar hallux valgus. El hueso intermetatarsiano puede llevar a confusión diagnóstica, principalmente relacionada con la fractura de Lisfranc. Su origen aún es poco comprendido.

Humans , Male , Adult , Metatarsal Bones/abnormalities , Anatomic Variation
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449514


Introducción: Las comunidades de macroalgas marinas del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes no han sido estudiadas desde el punto de vista cuantitativo, a pesar de la influencia que la vegetación submarina tiene sobre la estructura y el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas costeros, componente que hasta ahora ha sido subestimado en la región. Objetivo: Evaluar la variación temporal y espacial de los géneros de macroalgas en dos sitios de María La Gorda, sur del Parque Nacional de Guanahacabibes, y evaluar la salud del arrecife de acuerdo con la cobertura de los diferentes morfo-tipos de macroalgas predominantes. Metodología: El muestreo fue cuatrimestral entre febrero 2014 y marzo 2017 en Yemayá y Laberinto, mediante buceo autónomo a una profundidad de 10 m. La cobertura algal fue estimada siguiendo la metodología AGRRA. Se usaron ocho transectos de 20 m por sitio de muestreo de acuerdo con las condiciones del arrecife y la forma del fondo. Cada cinco metros se colocó un cuadrante de 25 x 25 cm. Se calculó el porcentaje de cobertura que aporta cada género y de los grupos morfofuncionales a la cobertura total. Resultados: Los géneros dominantes durante el periodo de estudio fueron: Dictyota, Lobophora y Halimeda. Las algas carnosas y calcáreas mostraron mayor cubrimiento en Laberinto (carnosas= 57.8 ±15.6; calcáreas = 8.3 ± 6.8) que en Yemayá, (carnosas = 47.3 ± 23.1; calcáreas = 8.5 ± 9.3). Las formas costrosas son más abundantes en Yemayá (17.1 ± 15.1) que en Laberinto (7.7 ± 10). El índice de las carnosas fue superior en Laberinto (225.7 ± 110.2). Conclusión: La disminución en los niveles de cobertura de algas costrosas y la dominancia de formas carnosas como Dictyota y Lobophora en la zona de estudio, evidencian el deterioro en ambos sitios, a pesar de las políticas de conservación de parques nacionales.

Introduction: The macroalgal communities of the Guanahacabibes National Park have been poorly studied from the quantitative point of view, despite the influence that underwater vegetation has on the structure and functioning of coastal ecosystems, a component that until now has been underestimated in the Cuba region. Objetive: To evaluate the temporal and spatial variation of the macroalgal genera in two sites of María La Gorda, south of the Guanahacabibes National Park, and evaluate the reef health according to the coverage of the different predominant macroalgal morphotypes. Methodology: Sampling took place quarterly between February 2014 and March 2017, in Laberinto and Yemayá by SCUBA diving at a depth of 10 m. The algal coverage was estimated following the AGRRA methodology. Eight 20 m transects per sampling site were used according to reef conditions and bottom shape. Every five meters a 25 x 25 cm square was placed. The coverage (%) contributed per genus and morpho-functional group to the total coverage found was calculated. Results: The dominant genera during the study period were: Dictyota, Lobophora and Halimeda. Fleshy and calcareous algae showed greater coverage in Laberinto (fleshy= 57.8 ± 15.6; calcareous = 8.3 ± 6.8) than in Yemayá (fleshy = 47.3 ± 23.1; calcareous = 8.5 ± 9.3). Crustose algae were more abundant in Yemayá (17.1 ± 15.1) than in Laberinto (7.7 ± 10). The fleshy index was higher in Laberinto (225.7 ± 110.2). Conclusion: The decrease in the levels of crustose algal cover, as well as the dominance of fleshy forms Dictyota and Lobophora in the study area, shows the deterioration in both sites, despite the conservation policies of national parks.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1343-1347, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521027


SUMMARY: The present study aimed to evaluate wrist (lunate) anatomy in terms of the incidence of lunatum morphology on plain-radiographs among the Anatolian (Turkey) population, accompanied by demographic analysis. We obtained all the patients' data regarding demographical features, diagnosis, and posteroanterior (PA) X-ray imaging. Two radiograph-reviewers repeated the analysis twice, one month later, blinded to their findings before the previous review. The lunatum structure was determined as Type-1 (n:293) and Type-2 (n:207) for each radiograph. Most of the 500 wrists' radiographs [n:293 (58.6 %)] were type-I lunate. The mean age was 36.7±13.3 (range:18-90) years. Sex distribution was as follows: 185 (63.1 %) males to 108 (36.9 %) females. Type-2 lunate was seen in 207 participants (41.4 %). The mean age for type-2 was 41.6±15.2 (18-88) years. 142 (68.6 %) participants were male sex, while 65 (31.4 %) were females. The mean age of subjects with type-I showed a difference with type-II (p=0.007). There was no relationship in terms of sex (p=0.206) between the groups. In the Anatolian region, type-1 lunate was dominant compared to type-2. The incidence rate of lunate type in Anatolian population was similar to the Arab population.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la anatomía de la articulación radiocarpiana en términos de la incidencia de la morfología del hueso semilunar en radiografías simples entre la población de Anatolia (Turquía), acompañado de un análisis demográfico. Obtuvimos todos los datos de los pacientes con respecto a las características demográficas, el diagnóstico y las imágenes de rayos X posteroanteriores (PA). Dos revisores de radiografías repitieron el análisis dos veces, un mes después, sin conocer sus hallazgos antes de la revisión anterior. La estructura del lunatum se determinó como Tipo-1 (n:293) y Tipo-2 (n:207) para cada radiografía. La mayoría de las 500 radiografías de muñecas [n:293 (58,6 %)] fueron semilunar tipo I. La edad media fue de 36,7±13,3 (rango: 18-90) años. La distribución por sexos fue la siguiente: 185 (63,1 %) hombres y 108 (36,9 %) mujeres. El semilunar tipo 2 se observó en 207 participantes (41,4 %). La edad media para el tipo 2 fue de 41,6±15,2 (18-88) años. 142 (68,6 %) participantes eran del sexo masculino, mientras que 65 (31,4 %) eran del sexo femenino. La edad media de los sujetos con tipo I mostró una diferencia con el tipo II (p = 0,007). No hubo relación en cuanto al sexo (p=0,206) entre los grupos. En la región de Anatolia, el semilunar tipo 1 era dominante en comparación con el tipo 2. La tasa de incidencia del tipo semilunar en la población de Anatolia fue similar a la de la población árabe.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Wrist Joint/diagnostic imaging , Turkey , Wrist Joint/anatomy & histology , Radiography , Anatomic Variation
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 372-383, sept. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514383


Canalis sinuosus, canal intraóseo localizado en región maxilar anterior, contiene elementos vasculonerviosos alveolares anterosuperiores. Diversas intervenciones en región maxilar anterior como colocación de implantes, exodoncias, instalación de microtornillos ortodóncicos, procedimientos quirúrgicos, entre otros, pueden comprometer al Canalis sinuosus y/o sus canales accesorios dañando los elementos contenidos en su interior causando complicaciones como hemorragias, parestesia, disestesia, etc. Dado el gran desconocimiento de su existencia, el Canalis sinuosus frecuentemente es confundido con lesiones patológicas y/o endodónticas. Clásicamente la literatura lo describe como una variación anatómica variación anatómica, sin embargo, presenta elevadas prevalencias (51,7 %-100 %), siendo cuestionada esta aseveración. Determinar prevalencia y característica s anatómicas del Canalis sinuosus mediante Cone Beam CT en pacientes chilenos del centro radiológico IMAPROX® entre 2017- 2021. Análisis retrospectivo de 220 CBCT maxilares anonimizados, considerando variables sexo, presencia del Canalis sinuosus, Canalis sinuosus uni/bilateral, diámetro mayor del Canalis sinuosus, presencia/número de accesorios. Análisis estadístico uni y bivariado. 100 % de prevalencia del Canalis sinuosus en ambos sexos, presencia bilateral 100 %. Diámetro mayor promedio del Canalis sinuosus: 2,58 mm. El 76,8 % presentó accesorios, siendo más prevalente la presencia de 2 CA (34,1 %). Una estructura anatómica normal habitual debe presentar sobre 50 % de prevalencia para ser considerada como tal, pero no hay consensos en criterios empleados para definir variación anatómica o estructura anatómica normal habitual. Literatura describe al Canalis sinuosus como variación anatómica, pero estudios actuales muestran elevadas prevalencias: Rusia 67 %, Brasil 88 %, Turquía, Colombia y Chile 100 %. Este estudio encontró 100 % de prevalencia, sugiriendo que Canalis sinuosus es una estructura anatómica normal habitual. Sin embargo, Canalis sinuosus es poco conocido asociándose a numerosas complicaciones por procedimientos odontológicos y/o quirúrgicos en RMA pudiendo generar hemorragias, parestesia/disestesia, dolor agudo, etc. Elevadas prevalencias reportadas sugieren que Canalis sinuosus es una estructura anatómica normal habitual y no una variación anatómica, pero se requieren más estudios y consensos para aseverarlo. Es de relevancia clínica conocer la existencia y localización del Canalis sinuosus para evitar complicaciones.

Canalis sinuosus, an intraosseous canal located in the anterior maxillary region, contains anterosuperior alveolar vascular-nervous elements. Various interventions in anterior maxillary region such as implant placement, extractions, installation of orthodontic microscrews, surgical procedures, among others, can compromise the Canalis sinuosus and/or its accessory canals, damaging the elements contained inside, causing complications such as bleeding, paresthesia, dysesthesia, etc. Given the great ignorance of its existence, Canalis sinuosus is frequently confused with pathological and/or endodontic lesions. Classically, the literature describes it as an anatomical variation, however, it presents high prevalence (51.7 %-100 %), this assertion being questioned. Objective: to determine the prevalence and anatomical characteristics of Canalis sinuosus using Cone Beam CT in Chilean patients from the IMAPROX® radiological center between 2017-2021. Retrospective analysis of 220 anonymous maxillary CBCT, considering variables sex, presence of Canalis sinuosus, uni/bilateral Canalis sinuosus, largest diameter of Canalis sinuosus, presence/number of accessory canals. Univariate and bivariate statistical analysis. The 100 % prevalence of Canalis sinuosus in both sexes, 100 % bilateral presence. Canalis sinuosus average major diameter: 2.58 mm, 76.8 % presented accessory canals, with the presence of 2 accessory canals being more prevalent (34.1 %). A habitual normal anatomical structure must have a prevalence of over 50 % to be considered as such, but there is no consensus on the criteria used to define anatomical variation or normal anatomical structure. Literature describes Canalis sinuosus as anatomical variation, but current studies show high prevalence: Russia 67 %, Brazil 88 %, Turkey, Colombia and Chile 100 %. This study found 100 % prevalence, suggesting that Canalis sinuosus is an normal anatomical structure. However, Canalis sinuosus is little known as it is associated with numerous complications from dental and/or surgical procedures in anterior maxillary region, which can cause bleeding, paresthesia/ dysesthesia, acute pain, etc. High reported prevalences suggest that Canalis sinuosus is an normal anatomical structure and not an anatomical variation, but more studies and consensus are required to confirm this. It is clinically relevant to know the existence and location of Canalis sinuosus to avoid complications.

Humans , Male , Female , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods , Maxilla/anatomy & histology , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Anatomic Variation
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 36(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550939


Objetivo: Determinar la pérdida celular endotelial corneal posterior a la cirugía de catarata por técnica de facoemulsificación. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de intervención prospectivo y longitudinal. Se estudiaron 51 ojos operados de catarata por la técnica de facochop. Se les realizó microscopia endotelial pre- y posoperatoria a los tres y seis meses de la intervención. También se estudiaron los parámetros facodinámicos. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 66,7 ± 11,7 años, predominó el sexo femenino (53,7 %). Se observó una disminución significativa de los valores promedios de densidad celular y hexagonalidad a los tres y seis meses posteriores a la operación de catarata. El porcentaje de pérdida de células endoteliales posterior a la intervención fue de 19,6 ± 0,8 %. El tiempo total de ultrasonido medio fue de 11,8 ± 4,5 seg mientras el tiempo efectivo de facoemulsificación tuvo una media de 0,008 ± 0,001 seg. Conclusiones: El recuento de células endoteliales corneales muestra una disminución significativa de los valores promedios de densidad celular y hexagonalidad a los tres y seis meses posteriores a la operación de catarata, el porcentaje de pérdida de células endoteliales corneales a los seis meses posterior está dentro de los límites normales y se observa relación de dependencia entre el tiempo efectivo de facoemulsificación y el porcentaje de pérdida de células endoteliales.

Objective: To determine the loss of corneal endothelial cell after cataract surgery by the phacoemulsification technique. Methods: A prospective, longitudinal, descriptive and interventional study was conducted. Fifty-one eyes operated on for cataract by the phacoemulsification technique were studied. Preoperative, as well as postoperative endothelial microscopy at three and six months after the cataract surgery, was performed. Phacodynamic parameters were also studied. Results: The mean age was 66.7 ± 11.7 years and there was a predominance of the female sex (53.7%). A significant decrease in the mean values of cell density and hexagonality was observed at three and six months after the cataract surgery. The percentage of endothelial cell loss after surgery was 19.6% ± 0.8%. The mean total ultrasound time was 11.8 ± 4.5 secs, while the effective phacoemulsification time had a mean of 0.008 ± 0.001 secs. Conclusions: The count of corneal endothelial cell shows a significant decrease in the mean values of cell density and hexagonality at three and six months after the cataract surgery; the percentage of corneal endothelial cell loss at six months is within normal limits; and a dependent relationship is observed between the effective phacoemulsification time and the percentage of endothelial cell loss.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1015-1019, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514333


SUMMARY: There are many reports on anatomical variations of the vertebral arteries, which may be related to origin, trajectory, caliber, and side. Bilateral variations are less frequent, however, and less common are bilateral variants that differ from each other. The aim of this work was to report the presence of a bilateral variation of the vertebral artery and its functional and clinical implications. Dissection of a female cadaver, fixed in 10 % buffered formaldehyde, which had not undergone any previous surgeries in the study area and had anatomical variations in both vertebral arteries. In each one, follow-up was done from its origin to its end, determining its trajectory, diameters, branching, and anatomical relations. A left vertebral artery was found, starting in the aortic arch and making a sinuous trajectory of 4 curvatures to enter the transverse foramen of C4. The right vertebral artery began as the first branch of the subclavian artery. Its initial trajectory was rectilinear, followed by a right concave curve, a 360° loop that included a second ascending curve, and ended straight before entering the transverse foramen of C6. The coexistence of bilateral variations in the vertebral arteries is possible. This atypical situation can potentially generate vascular and neurological pathologies, but with different symptoms and causes. Knowing these variations and deliberately searching for them will enable the specialist to make a suitable differential diagnosis.

Existen múltiples reportes sobre variaciones anatómicas de las arterias vertebrales, las que se pueden relacionar con origen, trayecto, calibre y lateralidad. Sin embargo, las variaciones bilaterales son menos frecuentes, y menos común es que las variantes bilaterales sean diferentes entre ellas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue reportar la presencia de una variación bilateral de la arteria vertebral y su implicancia funcional y clínica. Disección en un cadáver de sexo femenino, fijado en formaldehido tamponado al 10 %, el cual no presentaba intervenciones quirúrgicas previas en la región de estudio y que tenía variaciones anatómicas en ambas arterias vertebrales. En cada una se realizó seguimiento desde su origen hasta su terminación, pudiendo determinar su trayecto, diámetros, ramificaciones y relaciones anatómicas. Se encontró una arteria vertebral izquierda originada en el arco aórtico, que realizaba un trayecto sinuoso de 4 curvaturas e ingresaba al foramen transverso de C4. La arteria vertebral derecha se originaba como primera rama de la arteria subclavia. Su trayecto inicial era rectilíneo seguido por una curva de concavidad derecha, un loop (giro) de 360° que incluía una segunda curva ascendente y terminaba en dirección recta antes de ingresar al foramen transverso de C6. La coexistencia de variaciones bilaterales en las arterias vertebrales es posible. Esta situación atípica, potencialmente puede generar en la persona patologías neurológicas de origen vascular, pero con sintomatología y causas diferentes. Conocer estas variaciones y realizar una búsqueda intencionada de ellas permitirá el especialista realizar un adecuado diagnóstico diferencial.

Humans , Female , Vertebral Artery/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Vertebral Artery/abnormalities , Cadaver
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(1): 6-11, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1443322


A sutura metópica forma-se aproximadamente no primeiro trimestre da vida intrauterina entre os dois centros de ossificação que irão formar o osso frontal. Há controvérsias na literatura em relação ao momento em que essa sutura oblitera, mas se sabe que ocorre antes dos dez anos de idade; entretanto, essa sutura pode não obliterar e persistir ao longo da vida do indivíduo. Este trabalho objetivou relatar a persistência da sutura metópica em crânios secos de esqueletos humanos adultos pertencentes ao Centro de Estudos em Antropologia Forense da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Pernambuco (CEAF/FOP/UPE), com a finalidade de demonstrar a importância para a perícia antropológica forense. Dentre os 426 examinados, foram identificados dez crânios (2,4%) com a presença de sutura metópica completa, sendo 5 do sexo masculino e 5 do feminino, compreendendo uma faixa etária de 29 a 86 anos. A persistência da metópica possui relevância forense, afinal as variações anatômicas são vistas como estruturas que não são consequência de uma patologia e que diferem do encontrado na população geral, tornando o indivíduo que as possui ainda mais único. Dessa forma, essa variação anatômica pode atuar como auxiliar no processo de identificação humana na perícia antropológica forense... (AU)

The metopic suture forms approximately in the first trimester of intrauterine life between the two ossification centers that will form the frontal bone. There are controversies in the literature as to when this suture obliterates, but it is known to occur before the age of ten; however, this suture may not obliterate and persist throughout the individual's life. This work aimed to report the persistence of the metopic suture in dried skulls of adult human skeletons belonging to the Center for Studies in Forensic Anthropology of the School of Dentistry of the University of Pernambuco (CEAF/FOP/UPE) in order to demonstrate its importance for forensic anthropology. Among the 426 skeletons examined, ten skulls (2.4%) with complete metopic sutures were identified, five male and five female, ranging in age from 29 to 86 years. The persistence of metopic sutures has forensic relevance, after all, anatomical variations are seen as structures that are not a consequence of pathology and that differs from what is found in the general population, making the individual who has them even more unique. Thus, this anatomical variation can act as an aid in the process of human identification in forensic anthropology... (AU)

La sutura metópica se forma aproximadamente en el primer trimestre de vida intrauterina entre los dos centros de osificación que formarán el hueso frontal. Existen controversias en la literatura sobre el momento en que se oblitera esta sutura, pero se sabe que ocurre antes de los diez años; sin embargo, esta sutura puede no obliterarse y persistir durante toda la vida del individuo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo informar sobre la persistencia de la sutura metópica en cráneos desecados de esqueletos humanos adultos pertenecientes al Centro de Estudos em Antropologia Forense de la Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Pernambuco (CEAF/FOP/UPE), con el fin de demostrar su importancia para la antropología forense. Entre los 426 esqueletos examinados, se identificaron diez cráneos (2,4%) con presencia de sutura metópica completa, 5 masculinos y 5 femeninos, con edades entre 29 y 86 años. La persistencia de la sutura metópica tiene relevancia forense, después de todo las variaciones anatómicas son vistas como estructuras que no son consecuencia de una patología y que difieren de lo que se encuentra en la población general, haciendo aún más único al individuo que las presenta. Así pues, esta variación anatómica puede servir de ayuda en el proceso de identificación humana en antropología forense... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Cranial Sutures , Forensic Dentistry
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Jul; 71(7): 2779-2783
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225128


Purpose: To study the impact of the novel coronavirus disease?2019 (COVID?19) pandemic on incidence, seasonal variation, clinical presentation, and disease outcome of epidemic retinitis (ER) and to compare clinical outcomes with positive and negative COVID?19 serology. Methods: This is a retrospective, observational study conducted at a tertiary eye care hospital from August 2020 to June 2022. A graph of ER cases against the month of presentation was compared with the graph of the COVID?19 pandemic in the same region. Cases presented before COVID?19 vaccination, with positive COVID?19 serology (Group 1) were compared with cases with negative serology (Group 2). Results: One hundred and thirty?two cases of ER were seen. The least number of cases were seen during and immediately after the peak of the pandemic (May 2021–August 2021). COVID?19 serology was positive in 13 (22 eyes)/60 (21.6%) unvaccinated cases. Along with COVID?19, positive serology for other ER etiologies was seen in 5/13 cases (38.4%). All patients received oral doxycycline with/without steroids. Groups 1 and 2 included 22 and 21 eyes of 13 cases each. Macular edema resolved in 43.6 and 32 days in groups 1 and 2, respectively. Retinitis resolved at 1 month in both groups. Corrected distant visual acuity was 20/50 and 20/70 at the presentation, which improved to 20/20 and 20/25 in groups 1 and 2, respectively. Mean and median follow?up was 6 months and 4.5 months, respectively, in both groups. No complications or recurrences were seen. Conclusion: No significant impact of the COVID?19 pandemic on ER was observed

Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 769-774, jun. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514309


El músculo esternal corresponde a una variante muscular supernumeraria de la musculatura torácica, cuya descripción más antigua se remonta al año 1604. A lo largo de la historia ha sido denominado músculo "epiesternal", "preesternal", "recto torácico" o "recto esternal". Se ubica entre la fascia superficial y el músculo pectoral mayor, tiene una prevalencia de entre 3 % y 8 % en la población general, se presenta de forma unilateral o bilateral exhibiendo una alta variabilidad interracial y puede ser motivo de dilemas diagnósticos durante cirugías y exámenes de imagen. Disección en un cadáver adulto de sexo masculino. Se encontraron dos músculos esternales conectados superiormente por un tendón central. El músculo esternal derecho se extendía desde el manubrio esternal hasta el séptimo cartílago costal derecho. El músculo esternal izquierdo se extendía desde el manubrio esternal hasta el sexto cartílago costal izquierdo. Su inervación estaba dada por ramos cutáneos anteriores de los nervios intercostales y su vascularización por ramas perforantes provenientes de los vasos torácicos internos. El músculo esternal presenta una alta variabilidad morfológica y su prevalencia se ve influenciada por factores raciales. Conocer esta variación muscular enriquece la capacidad diagnóstica y quirúrgica reduciendo la posibilidad de iatrogenia.

SUMMARY: The sternal muscle corresponds to a supernumerary muscle variant of the thoracic musculature, whose oldest description dates to 1604. Throughout history it has been called the "episternal", "presternal", "rectus thoracis" or "rectus sternalis" muscle. It is located between the superficial fascia and the pectoralis major muscle, has a prevalence of between 3 % and 8 % in the general population, presents unilaterally or bilaterally, exhibits a high interracial variability and can be the cause of diagnostic dilemmas during surgery and imaging examinations. Dissection in an adult male cadaver. Two sternal muscles were found connected superiorly by a central tendon. The right sternal muscle extended from the sternal manubrium to the right seventh costal cartilage. The left sternal muscle extended from the sternal manubrium to the left sixth costal cartilage. The innervation was given by anterior cutaneous branches of the intercostal nerves and the vascularization by perforating branches coming from the internal thoracic vessels. The sternal muscle presents a high morphological variability and the prevalence is influenced by racial factors. Knowing this muscle variation enriches the diagnostic and surgical capacity, reducing the possibility of iatrogenesis.

Humans , Male , Aged , Pectoralis Muscles/abnormalities , Sternum , Cadaver
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 27(2): 240-247, April-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440220


Abstract Introduction The morphological variants of the nasal septum have been implicated in sinus pathology and pose a challenge during endoscopic surgeries. Objectives The present study aimed at evaluating the prevalence of nasal septum variants in adult Nigerians. Methods The present study was performed at the Radiology Department of Delta State University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, following ethical approval. Brain computed tomography (CT) scan images of 336 adults were evaluated for nasal septum variants. The angle of the deviated nasal septum was measured, and the severity was classified. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 23.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). The angle of deviation was presented in means and standard deviation. Frequencies of the variants were presented in percentages. The Student t-test was used to compare the angle of deviation, while the chi-squared test was used to compare the frequencies in the different groups. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results The prevalence of straight and deviated nasal septum was 59.5% and 40.5%, respectively. Deviation was predominant in females (46%) and, more frequently, of moderate severity (75%). The angle of deviation was significantly larger in males (12.55 ± 2.99°) than in females (11.13 ± 2.41°;p = 0.003). Nasal spur had a prevalence of 11.9%, and its coexistence with deviated nasal septum was observed in 5.06%. Septal pneumatization was seen in 10 patients (3%). Conclusions Deviation of the nasal septum occurred more in females and toward the left; however, the angle of deviation was significantly higher in males. Nasal septal spur and pneumatization were the least prevalent variants.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551104


Las variedades de habichuela cultivadas en Colombia presentan un bajo potencial de producción, por lo que se hace necesario adelantar programas de mejoramiento, cuya ejecución depende del conocimiento de la habilidad combinatoria de los cultivares disponibles. Con el objetivo de evaluar la acción génica predominante en caracteres de importancia económica, se evaluaron 15 híbridos directos y seis progenitores. Las habilidades combinatorias general (HCG) y específica (HCE), se estimaron con el Método 2 modelo 1 de Griffing, que considera a los progenitores y sus cruzamientos directos. Se midieron los caracteres: número de vainas y producción por planta, peso promedio y longitud de la vaina. Los resultados indicaron efectos genéticos aditivos para longitud de la vaina; por el contrario, el número de vainas y producción por planta, se vieron influenciados por efectos genéticos no aditivos, mientras que el peso promedio de la vaina fue controlado por efectos genéticos, tanto aditivos como no aditivos. Los progenitores 1 y 6 mostraron efectos positivos más altos de HCG, para el peso promedio y longitud de la vaina, mientras los progenitores 5 y 6, lo fueron para la producción de vainas por planta y los progenitores 4 y 5, para el número de vainas por planta. La estimación de HCE más alta para todos los caracteres, se presentó en el hibrido 1x2, siendo la más adecuada para mejorar la producción de la habichuela.

Green bean varieties grown in Colombia have low production potential, therefore it is necessary to carry out plant breeding programs, which execution depends on the knowledge of the combinatorial ability of the available cultivars. To evaluate the predominant gene action in economically important traits 15 direct hybrids and six parents were evaluated. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were estimated with Griffing's Method 2 model 1, which considers parents and their direct crosses. The characters: number of pods and yield per plant, average weight and pod length were measured. The results indicated additive genetic effects for pod length. In contrast, pod number and yield per plant were influenced by non-additive genetic effects, while average pod weight was controlled by both additive and non-additive genetic effects. Parents 1 and 6 showed higher positive effects of HCG for average pod weight and pod length, while parents 5 and 6 for pod yield per plant and parents 4 and 5 for number of pods per plant. The highest ECGH estimation for all traits was found in the 1x2 hybrid, being the most suitable for improving bean production.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218004


Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic progressive metabolic disorder associated with microvascular and macrovascular complications in type 2 DM. Oral anti-diabetic drugs (OADs) play an important role in regulating raised blood glucose levels and compliance to treatment. Aims and Objectives: The aims of this study were to evaluate cost variations of different brands of drug formulations in the management of DM. Materials and Methods: This study was an analytical study. Costs of various OADs were obtained from January to March 2022 edition of current index of medical specialties India. The cost ratio and percentage of variation among different drugs in the treatment of DM available in Indian Market and Manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies were analyzed. Results: The percentage variation in cost among commonly prescribed single OADs was found to be highest for sulfonylurea group of dugs Glimepiride 1 mg tablet (1.366%), followed by Biguanides, Metformin 500 mg tablet (809%), ?-Glucosidase inhibitors, and Voglibose 0.3 mg tablet (571%), while it was lowest for Glibenclamide 5 mg tablet (36%) and Acarbose 25 mg tablet (36%) of sulfonylurea drugs and ?-Glucosidase inhibitors group of drugs, respectively. In combination drug therapy, Glibenclamide and Metformin combination (1.25 + 250 mg tablet) shows maximum variation (132%). Conclusion: There is a wide difference existing in the cost of various oral anti-diabetics available in Indian Market by different brands. The physicians must be aware of these variations and prescribe medicines accordingly, while considering the financial status of patient and also to promote adherence to treatment.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217406


Background: In line with global trends, India has witnessed a sharp rise in C-section (CS) deliveries, especial-ly in the private sector. Methodology: Study attempts to explore change in CS delivery in India at national, regional and State/UT lev-els. We have used factsheet data from the most recent nationally representative survey data i.e., NFHS to ex-amine changes in private and public healthcare facilities, and to determine a difference in rural and urban in CS deliveries. Results: The CS rate has increased from 17.2% to 21.5% in 2019-21. CS was more than twice (40.9%) amongst the private healthcare facilities during the fourth round of NFHS which has shown a considerable in-crease during the fifth round of NFHS (47.4%). There is equal distribution (12.8% during 2015-16 to 17.6% in 2019-21 in rural areas v/s 28.2% during 2015-16 to 32.3% in 2019-21in urban areas) of CS deliveries amongst the rural and urban areas to the total deliveries. Conclusion: Study found that with every one in five deliveries being caesarean, the figure is significantly high as per the recommended cut off by WHO. Thus, it is essential to explore factors regarding emergency or elec-tive caesarean section and to understand if the health facilities are following the recommended protocols for performing CS deliveries.